Old versus New: Original Section 508 Standards (2000) compared to the Revised Section 508 Standards (2017)

Webinar Series-Great Lakes ADA Center

The Revised Section 508 Standards were published in the Federal Register on January 18, 2017. What will change when they become enforceable? 

This webinar will compare the 2000 Section 508 Standards with the Revised Section 508 Standards. Join our presenters as they conduct a side-by-side review of the old versus revised Section 508 Standards. What is different? What are the new requirements? How will these changes impact current federal agency practices? 

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  The intended audience for this training includes 508 Coordinators, document authors, developers, and other content creators. Areas to be addressed include software, covered content, and documentation.

For more information and register:  https://www.accessibilityonline.org/cioc-508/session/?id=110613

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