Quality Webinar Series - AT in the IFSP/IEP

Quality Webinar Series - AT in the IFSP/IEP

October 24, 2022 01:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Once AT has been identified for a child or a student, how should teams meaningfully integrate the AT tools/system into a child's IFSP or a student's IEP? This session explores components of IFSPs and IEPs that may contain information about AT and offers examples for how to meaningfully integrate the AT into IFSPs/IEPs. Opportunities to ask questions will be included in the session.

Learning Outcomes
After participating in this session, individuals will:
-identify at least 2 areas in which AT may be integrated into an IFSP
-identify at least 7 areas in which AT may be integrated into an IEP
-explain a rationale for each area of an IEP/IFSP in which AT may be integrated


Event Date