Hosting Transitioning Students Using AAC: Strategies to Promote Full Inclusion-webinar

Presenter: Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D.

This session will provide school system personnel, therapists, and families with strategies to support students using AAC in living fully inclusive lives post-graduation. Options ranging from supported to independent living, from inclusive post-secondary education (ISPE) to college degree programs, and from supported to customized employment, will be discussed. Additionally, this session will engage participants to discover how using person-centered planning, strengths-based approaches, self-advocacy / self-determination building activities play significant roles in the lives of students using AAC. Moderator:

Seminar Objectives: Participants will learn: 1) To identify strategies to support students using AAC in living fully inclusive lives. 2) To describe how using person-centered planning, strengths-based approaches, self-advocacy / self-determination building activities play significant roles in the lives of students using AAC. 3) To explain how I was able to reach my potential.

Presenter Bio: Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D. holds a public service faculty position within the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia. Dr. Rackensperger has conducted a number of research studies, including published scholarly works regarding transition and people with disabilities. Dr. Rackensperger has personally used AAC for over 35 years.

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