Early Childhood Mathematics Series: Session 1 - Sets, Sorting & Patterns with Beth Poss

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This three-part series will help educators understand the development of conceptual mathematical skills, how to build a foundation for mathematical thinking, and how to adapt mathematics instruction to make it accessible and meaningful to early math learners. Participants will gain an understanding of the progression of math skill development in young learners, and how to foster this in students with disabilities. We will examine how exploration with a variety of physical and digital resources can aid in the understanding of mathematical concepts, and how to provide adaptations for students with a range of disabilities. Learn how everyday routines and activities can build the foundations of mathematics competence in young children. Sets, Sorting, and Patterns An understanding of sets is one of the key foundational skills that children need in order to develop higher-level number sense and number and operations skills. This session will explain what developing an understanding of sets means and how to make exploratory play with sets and explicit instruction accessible to children with varied developmental needs. Learn how families and educators can incorporate work with sets across everyday activities as a way to increase foundational mathematical knowledge.
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