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Archived ATP Education Program Webinar (59) Video (50) AT Demonstration (23) Web Link (16) PDF (8) Web Link. PDF (1) MS Word Document (1)


AT Tools (22) Communication Partner Training (1) Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology Services (4) Inclusion (2) STEM (2) iPad (4) ChromeOS (2) Time Management (2) Visual Strategies (4) Accessible Documents (2) AAC Evaluation (2) Transition (3) Core Vocabulary (4) Reading (3) Math (5) AT Consideration (5) AT Services (4) AAC (11) Autism (10) AT Process (10) AAC Implementation (6) Executive Functioning (8) Evaluation of AT Needs (6) Switch Access (6) Accessible Educational Materials (3) iOS Apps (4) Family Engagement (2) AT Implementation (1) Organization (2) Early Childhood (16)
Education Tech Points - Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon

AT Decision Making Self-Assesment

August 13, 2023

AT Decision Making Self-Assesment

This self-assessment was developed to help a team figure out how to develop or improve the AT assessment process. The AT Decision Making Self Assessment helps a team review their respective attitudes, decision-making process, and team dynamics. Using it facilitates useful discussion of underlying differences that can interfere with team function if not addressed. Brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.


tags: Evaluation of AT Needs, Coaching for Effective AT Services

Education Tech Points - Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon

¡Oye! Puedo Yo Intentar Eso? - "Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (Spanish Version)

August 13, 2023

¡Oye! Puedo Yo Intentar Eso? - "Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (Spanish Version)

Un manual para estudiantes descargable y gratuito para elegir y usar tecnología de asistencia. A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology. The handbook provides scaffolds to guide a student (and their IEP team) through making decisions about assistive technology tools and services needed. Written by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed and brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.


tags: AT Consideration, Evaluation of AT Needs, Transition, Spanish

Education Tech Points - Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon

"Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (English Version)

August 13, 2023

"Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource

A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology. The handbook provides scaffolds to guide a student (and their IEP team) through making decisions about assistive technology tools and services needed. Written by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed and brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.


tags: AT Consideration, Evaluation of AT Needs, Self-Determination, Transition


QIAT Indicators - AT Consideration

August 13, 2023

QIAT Indicators - AT Consideration

The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology include the specific quality indicators that were developed by focus groups and validated through research, intent statements that further explain each indicator, and a list of common errors for each of the eight areas. Consideration of the need for AT devices and services is an integral part of the educational process contained in IDEA for referral, evaluation, and IEP development. Although AT is considered at all stages of the process, the Consideration Quality Indictors are specific to the consideration of AT in the development of the IEP as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In most instances, the Quality Indicators are also appropriate for the consideration of AT for students who qualify for services under other legislation (e.g., 504, ADA).


tags: Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology Services, AT Consideration


QIAT List - A Community of Practice

August 13, 2023

QIAT List - A Community of Practice

The QIAT List is a community of practice that connects those working with individuals with disabilities and assistive technology in school settings. The QIAT List is free to join.


tags: Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology Services


A Guide to Teaching Practices

July 31, 2023

A Guide to Teaching Practices

Teaching strategies are practices used by adults (e.g., family members, practitioners) or, in some instances, by other children to help facilitate children’s participation in everyday routines, learning experiences, and activities. Using these strategies engages children in activities, maintains their interest, and provides opportunities for them to learn concepts and thinking skills that support STEM learning when using adaptations


tags: Early Childhood, STEM, Inclusion


A Guide to Adaptations

July 31, 2023

A Guide to Adaptations

In this document, STEMIE defines and describes an evidence-based inclusion framework and provides definitions and examples of adaptations that adults can use to ensure young children with disabilities can participate fully in STEM learning experiences. STEMIE uses adaptations to ensure each and every child, including young children with disabilities, can fully participate and engage in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) learning opportunities and experiences at home, in early childhood programs, and in the community.


tags: Early Childhood, STEM, Inclusion

Call Scotland

Eye Gaze Setup Guide

July 31, 2023

Eye Gaze Setup Guide

A useful poster from Call Scotland highlighting considerations and tips for setting up Eye Gaze with your learners to get the best results. It covers positioning, lighting, tracking, calibration and other important aspects of setup and is designed to be referred to by staff when setting up eye gaze with pupils on a day to day basis.


tags: AAC, AAC Evaluation

Center fro Parent Information & Resources

Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

July 31, 2023

Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

A parent-friendly checklist for IEP team members to use in determining a student's need for assistive technology.


tags: AT Consideration

Assistive Technology Parent Support Guide for Part C Services Preview

Assistive Technology Parent Support Guide for Part C (0-3) Services

May 30, 2022

PDF icon AT Parent Support Guide for Part C Services.pdf

This guide was developed in partnership between the Nebraska PTI and the ATP Education Program. It is designed to help parents/families understand assistive technology, the purpose of assistive technology, and the importance of assistive technology within the context of Part C (0-3) services. Examples of potential assistive technology across multiple domains are provided. Key questions for parents/families are suggested for three stages that may be encountered during Part C services: (1) thinking about assistive technology needs; (2) thinking about assistive technology once the child has devices/systems written into his/her IFSP; and (3) transitioning from Part C to Part B services.


tags: Early Childhood