Assistive Technology and the Transition Process from High School
Assistive Technology and the Transition Process from High School (PDF)
From our friends at Easterseals Crossroads and INDATA - This resource explains assistive technology (AT), designed to empower individuals with disabilities or limited abilities. It categorizes AT into low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech solutions, covering areas like computer access, mobility, communication, and education. Emphasizing AT's significance in education and the workplace, it guides individuals through the transition from high school to higher education or employment, stressing early planning. Overall, the resource informs readers about the importance of AT in enhancing independence, facilitating education and employment, and supporting individuals with disabilities in various aspects of life.
tags: Transition, AT Services

Assistive Technology - Pointers for Parents
Assistive Technology - Pointers for Parents (PDF)
From our friends at Education Tech Points and CATO - "Assistive Technology Pointers for Parents" is a guide to help parents of children with disabilities navigate the process of obtaining assistive technology (AT) in schools, as mandated by IDEA. It introduces the concept of "Education Tech Points," offering specific questions for parents to use when preparing for school discussions and when engaging with school staff. The guide is structured as a workbook, covering topics like understanding AT, parents' roles in decision-making, and each Education Tech Point stage. It also shares real-life stories of parents successfully obtaining AT for their children. This resource is valuable for anyone caring for a child with a disability, facilitating effective communication with schools.
tags: Parents, AT Services, AT Process

Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan Form
Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan Form (MS Word Document)
From our friends at Education Tech Points and CATO - This document outlines an Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan, detailing essential information about a student and their assistive technology trial. It includes student data, team members, the overall goal for device use, customary environments for device use, and specific devices for trial. The plan also specifies trial initiation dates, trial length, and device review dates. It concludes with a section for summarizing the trial period, including changes in performance, student preferences, advantages, disadvantages, and expected device usage duration. The team's recommendation is also expected to be documented in this section based on the trial's outcomes.
tags: Forms, AT Trials, Evaluation of AT Needs, AT Services

Switch Progression - Level Descriptors for Switches
Switch Progression - Level Descriptors for Switches (PDF)
From our friends at SENict - This document advises on technology use for diverse learners, emphasizing their comfort and engagement. Key points include using switch caps with images for switch association, employing prompts that highlight rewards, ensuring equipment functionality, and understanding learner interests. The roadmap outlines nine sub-levels, progressing from passive encounters with computer-generated experiences to active participation. It stresses teaching cause and effect, motivating learners, and introducing two-switch activities for choices. Errorless choosing activities help practice scanning skills, and mainstream software with iOS settings aids accessibility. Overall, it promotes creating a comfortable, engaging, and progressive learning environment for diverse learners using technology.
tags: Early Childhood, Switch Access

Quality Indicators for Including Assistive Technology in the IEP
Quality Indicators for Including Assistive Technology in the IEP
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) requires that the IEP team consider AT needs in the development of every Individualized Education Program (IEP). Once the IEP team has reviewed assessment results and determined that AT is needed for the provision of a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE), it is important that the IEP document reflects the team’s determination in as clear a fashion as possible. The Quality Indicators for AT in the IEP help the team describe the role of AT in the child’s educational program.

QIAT Indicators - Assessment of Assistive Technology Needs
QIAT Indicators - Assessment of Assistive Technology Needs
Quality Indicators for Assessment of Assistive Technology Needs is a process conducted by a team, used to identify tools and strategies to address a student’s specific need(s). The issues that lead to an AT assessment may be very simple and quickly answered or more complex and challenging. Assessment takes place when these issues are beyond the scope of the problem solving that occurs as a part of normal service delivery.
tags: Evaluation of AT Needs, Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology Services

Examples of Assistive Technology for Young Children
Examples of Assistive Technology for Young Children (PDF)
From our friends at the PACER Center - This sheet from the TIKES Program provides examples of assistive technology that can help with common skills young children need to learn.
tags: Early Childhood

Assistive Technology: Tips for Administrators
Assistive Technology: Tips for Administrators (PDF)
From our friends at the PACER Center, this sheet from the TIKES program gives tips on how administrators can provide direction to staff to ensure that AT is available for their students.
tags: AT Services, Administrators

Switch Progression - Assessment Guide and Useful Resources
Switch Progression - Assessment Guide and Useful Resources
This tip sheet addresses common things to consider when helping students to be effective switch users. The tip sheet discusses determining the type of switch a student needs, prompting the student for using a switch, and other considerations. Written by Ian Bean. Brought to you by our friends at SENict.
tags: Switch Access

AT Decision Making Self-Assesment
AT Decision Making Self-Assesment
This self-assessment was developed to help a team figure out how to develop or improve the AT assessment process. The AT Decision Making Self Assessment helps a team review their respective attitudes, decision-making process, and team dynamics. Using it facilitates useful discussion of underlying differences that can interfere with team function if not addressed. Brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.
tags: Coaching for Effective AT Services, Evaluation of AT Needs