¡Oye! Puedo Yo Intentar Eso? - "Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (Spanish Version)
¡Oye! Puedo Yo Intentar Eso? - "Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (S…
Un manual para estudiantes descargable y gratuito para elegir y usar tecnología de asistencia. A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology. The handbook provides scaffolds to guide a student (and their IEP team) through making decisions about assistive technology tools and services needed. Written by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed and brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.
tags: Spanish, Transition, Evaluation of AT Needs, AT Consideration

"Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource (English Version)
"Hey Can I Try That?" - Downloadable Resource
A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology. The handbook provides scaffolds to guide a student (and their IEP team) through making decisions about assistive technology tools and services needed. Written by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed and brought to you by our friends at the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.
tags: Transition, Self-Determination, Evaluation of AT Needs, AT Consideration

QIAT Indicators - AT Consideration
QIAT Indicators - AT Consideration
The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology include the specific quality indicators that were developed by focus groups and validated through research, intent statements that further explain each indicator, and a list of common errors for each of the eight areas. Consideration of the need for AT devices and services is an integral part of the educational process contained in IDEA for referral, evaluation, and IEP development. Although AT is considered at all stages of the process, the Consideration Quality Indictors are specific to the consideration of AT in the development of the IEP as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In most instances, the Quality Indicators are also appropriate for the consideration of AT for students who qualify for services under other legislation (e.g., 504, ADA).
tags: AT Consideration, Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology Services

QIAT List - A Community of Practice
QIAT List - A Community of Practice
The QIAT List is a community of practice that connects those working with individuals with disabilities and assistive technology in school settings. The QIAT List is free to join.

A Guide to Teaching Practices
Teaching strategies are practices used by adults (e.g., family members, practitioners) or, in some instances, by other children to help facilitate children’s participation in everyday routines, learning experiences, and activities. Using these strategies engages children in activities, maintains their interest, and provides opportunities for them to learn concepts and thinking skills that support STEM learning when using adaptations
tags: Inclusion, STEM, Early Childhood

A Guide to Adaptations
In this document, STEMIE defines and describes an evidence-based inclusion framework and provides definitions and examples of adaptations that adults can use to ensure young children with disabilities can participate fully in STEM learning experiences. STEMIE uses adaptations to ensure each and every child, including young children with disabilities, can fully participate and engage in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) learning opportunities and experiences at home, in early childhood programs, and in the community.
tags: Inclusion, STEM, Early Childhood

Eye Gaze Setup Guide
A useful poster from Call Scotland highlighting considerations and tips for setting up Eye Gaze with your learners to get the best results. It covers positioning, lighting, tracking, calibration and other important aspects of setup and is designed to be referred to by staff when setting up eye gaze with pupils on a day to day basis.
tags: AAC Evaluation, AAC

Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities
Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities
A parent-friendly checklist for IEP team members to use in determining a student's need for assistive technology.
tags: AT Consideration
Early Childhood Mathematics Series: Session 1 - Sets, Sorting & Patterns with Beth Poss
This three-part series will help educators understand the development of conceptual mathematical skills, how to build a foundation for mathematical thinking, and how to adapt mathematics instruction to make it accessible and meaningful to early math learners. Participants will gain an understanding of
the progression of math skill development in young learners, and how to foster this in students
with disabilities. We will examine how exploration with a variety of physical and digital
resources can aid in the understanding of mathematical concepts, and how to provide
adaptations for students with a range of disabilities. Learn how everyday routines and
activities can build the foundations of mathematics competence in young children.
Sets, Sorting, and Patterns
An understanding of sets is one of the key foundational skills that children need in order to
develop higher level number sense and number and operations skills. This session will explain
what developing an understanding of sets means and how to make exploratory play with
sets and explicit instruction accessible to children with varied developmental needs. Learn
how families and educators can incorporate work with sets across everyday activities as a way
to increase foundational mathematical knowledge.
tags: Early Childhood
DEMONSTRATION - Hook+ Switch Interface
This short video provides an overview of the Hook+ Switch Interface. Information about this product can be found on EDUCATION.AT4ALL.COM by linking to https://education.at4all.com/item/itemdetails?id=156420
tags: AT Tools